Our Cluster Parish

Stained Glass Window

As a Catholic people, we are called to a vibrant parish life. We are called to be a Eucharistic Coumminty, united in worship around the table the Lord. We are to be the center of religious education and sacremtal life, for all people, at all age levels and walks of life. We should be a caring and welcoming community of faith, and an evangelizing presence in the world around us.

We are called to work towards a society with justice for all. We are to missionaries, serving the needs of the poor and those less fortunate than us. In doing so, we will be witnesses to the presence of Christ, and inspire others embrace Christ more profoundly. To achieve this, we should be open to the working of the Holy Spirit within us, as well as God's love and providence in our lives.

In order to acheive our goals and maintain and support vibrant parish life, we need consider the needs of everyone. We should seek to help those outside the traditional territory of our parish, including members of other parishes. Working with other parishes will allow us to grow our presence, and enable a better ministry than any parish could provide alone. We should also work with other faith communities, serving the common good and celebrating our heritage as God's Children.

Read the original cluster plan, which includes information about the strengths of each parish as well as the realities that led to the formation of the cluster.

Original Cluster Plan

Visit the websites of our cluster partners.

St. Teresa of Avila St. Anthony Of Padua

Cluster Updates

St Thomas

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